The European Planning Meeting (EPM) is a five day event that gathers between 100 – 300 young people across Europe to discuss a topic close to their hearts and currently relevant in European society.
During the event we will focus on promoting intercultural understanding, diversity and inclusion, forging collaborations including those that can help empower youth to be changemakers and unite cultures across borders.
At the same time, during this event, members of the AEGEE Network reflect on the impact they had the past year and determine which actions they want to take to bring change in society for the upcoming year. Be it on a local, regional or European level and how and in what way they want to empower the current and next generation of young people.
The EPM is the place where friendships are forged, ideas are born, lifelong memories are created, and fun is an absolute must! Think of workshops that will expand your mind, discussions that will spark your curiosity and a social programme that will make you smile.
Diversity and Inclusion
Intercultural Communication
Cultural Awareness and Exchange
Collaborations across Borders
Empowerment of Young People to become Changemakers